Wednesday, February 20, 2013

KPOP Update! YES! NO! WHAT? YES! NOOOOO. I want that hat.

Ooohhh hey guys!  

It sure has been a while hasn't it?  Have you all missed my wonderful KPOP emails?  I HOPE SO!

This week we have the good, the insanely bad, the weird, more good, and a hat I want.  Block BGain's Bloom, Ace of AngelsEXID, and Jewelry.

Let's start off with Block B.  Forget Psy's horse galloping dance that has taken over the globe.  If I go to a wedding, dance club, or a grocery store with music I will definitely be doing this dance instead:

Finally a boy group I can get behind!  Hooray for silly dances around Viet Nam in smurf sweatshirts.

Oh gah in (Gain), how can you manage to have a music video that cuts from cheesy pink outfits with flowers in the background to you gettin dirty with some boy THEN to you pole dancing with a fountain erupting behind you?  Geeze louise.  I can't, I just, can't.  And yes, I had to use the word "erupting."

Next we have Ace of Angels.  I kind of like this group because they actually can play their instruments?  Inconceivable!  Anyways this music video tripped me out because they paid homage to lead female characters from movies like Legally Blonde, Lara Croft, The Fifth Element (wha whattt!!!), Romeo and Juliet, Harry Potter (HERMOINE!), Kill Bill, Breakfast at Tiffany's, and Leon: the Professional.  Wait, what? Out of all the choices of western films you could choose from you went with 12 year old Natalie Portman in Leon: the Professional?  OH MY STARS KOREANS NEED TO HIRE A PERSON FROM AMERICA. I VOLUNTEER. 

ee ex eye dee (EXID) came out with a new music video - and if you watch it all the way through, it is actually quite exciting!  The song is catchy and whatever, but the video, the video is worth your 4 minutes and 7 seconds.

I think I like this group more and more just because of their music videos. Hooray!

Last and definitely least, we have Jewelry.  This group had a great song years ago called "Baby One More Time," that I actually danced to in the discotecas in Viet Nam, but since then their songs have been equivalent to poo poo.  But there is a hat in this music video that I MUST have.

Peace out home skillets.


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